Our Mission
Our mission is to unite Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities to drive economic growth and foster community development across Iowa.
Our vision is an Iowa where our communities are central to the state's cultural and economic success.
We partner with both the public and private sectors to promote:
Business and economic growth
Cultural and community vitality
Leadership development and educational opportunities
Civic engagement and responsibility
In advancing our mission, IAA represents and collaborates with a diverse range of AAPI communities, including—but not limited to: ethnic minorities from Burma, Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Marshallese, Micronesian, Nepalese, Filipino, Tai Dam, Thai, Vietnamese, and more.
IAA is committed to embracing the diversity that shapes Iowa’s evolving cultural landscape, ensuring our communities have a unified voice and contribute to our collective success.
For more information regarding IAA, please contact us by email at iaawebsite@iowaasianalliance.com.